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Say hello to Breezy AI – AirCare’s new AI chatbot!

Welcome back, fellow AirCare enthusiasts! We're thrilled to share some exciting news that's sure to elevate your weather-watching experience to a whole new level. Say hello to "Breezy," the cutting-edge AI chat-bot that's now integrated into AirCare. With Breezy at your fingertips, getting fast ...
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Air Quality Monitoring in Schools

Maintaining good air quality in schools is crucial for the health and well-being of students and staff.  In this article, we will discuss why it is important to monitor air pollution in schools, explore the reasons air quality can be poor within school environments, and highlight how schools ...
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How the Healthcare Sector Can Use Air Quality Data

Air pollution is a serious issue that affects people around the world, and the healthcare sector has an essential role in mitigating its effects.  One of the most valuable tools that healthcare professionals can use to combat air pollution is air quality data. By leveraging this data, ...
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Smart Mobility – The Key to Reducing Air Pollution

Air pollution is a major concern affecting people's health and well-being worldwide. With the rise of industrialization and urbanization, pollution levels have continued to increase, leading to a range of health issues such as respiratory problems, heart disease, and even premature death. To ...
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9 Tips to Protect Yourself From UV Radiation

The sun's rays may feel warm and comforting on your skin, but they also contain ultraviolet (UV) radiation that can be harmful. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can damage our skin, eyes, and immune system. Protecting ourselves from UV radiation is essential because it can cause skin cancer, premature ...
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PM10 Particles in the Air

At first glance, PM10 might seem like a straightforward and simple concept - just tiny particles of solid or liquid floating in the air. However, PM10 is much more complex than it appears and has significant impacts on human health.  This article aims to delve deeper into the topic of PM10 ...
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What is PM2.5 and Why Is It Important?

As humans, we are skilled at identifying when water isn’t clean or food is tainted just by looking at it or smelling it. However, it can be challenging to determine whether the air we breathe is safe or not. Larger pollutants are easier to spot, which isn’t the case for the smaller ones. In this ...
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9 Tips for Preventing Hay Fever

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction to pollen, typically when it comes into contact with your nose, mouth, throat, and eyes. The symptoms of hay fever include itchy and watery eyes, a runny or blocked nose, frequent sneezing, and an itchy throat or mouth.  Hay ...
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Benefits Of Air Quality Monitoring

Air is essential for all living beings on Earth. Poor air quality has a negative impact on the environment, as well as human health.  There are different types of air pollution, and they all have different effects on our health. The two most common types of air pollution are particle and ...
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A Guide to Ultraviolet Radiation 

Ultraviolet (UV) is a form of electromagnetic radiation produced by the sun and artificial sources such as tanning beds. Even though it can benefit people by creating vitamin D, it also poses a risk to our health because it can damage our cells and lead to eye diseases. Remember that time your ...
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Types of Masks That Protect You From Air Pollution

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to high levels of air pollution can cause a variety of negative health effects. Both short- and long-term exposure to air pollution has been linked with health impacts.  The list of illnesses and conditions that have been linked to ...
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How to Prepare For Allergy Season?

You might have heard the phrase “allergy season is coming”, but what does that exactly mean? When does it start and end? Let’s cover everything you need to know when it comes to allergy season. What Are Seasonal Allergies? Allergies that happen in a particular season are more commonly known as ...
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AirCare Introduces Its New Social Share Feature

Social platforms have become a key tool for providing space for the public to participate in disallowing or influencing environmental decisions made by corporations and governments that affect us all. According to statistics, a total of 5 billion people use the internet worldwide, which equals 63.5% ...
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6 Benefits of Sustainable Transportation

One way to help tackle climate change and contribute to nature conservation is to use sustainable transportation. But, what does that mean? The term ‘sustainable transport’ refers to transportation systems that are consistent with broader sustainability concerns. It encompasses reducing the ...
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AirCare Widgets Just Got a Whole Lot Better

Lately, home screen widgets have become more and more used, by both iOS and Android users alike. These little windows offer information at a glimpse without needing to dive into apps. For the same reason, AirCare has had widgets for our PRO subscribers for years. But, now it’s time for a ...
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Air Pollution Lesson for Kids

Air pollution is a serious problem our planet is facing. Share this with your kids to learn what air pollution is, some common pollution sources, and how children can help fight for clean air.  What is Air Pollution? Air pollution happens when harmful gasses enter the air, polluting it ...
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Post-wildfire Recovery

When a disaster happens, people are often left feeling overwhelmed and confused about what to do next. Wildfire recovery is a long process that includes assessing and evaluating the damage and deciding on the next steps.  It takes persistence and patience to achieve the ultimate goals of ...
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Wildfire Prevention Tips

According to the National Interagency Fire Center, humans cause an average of 80% of all wildfires. Wildfires disrupt gas and power services, communications, transportation, and water supply. They also result in the deterioration of the environment and the loss of animals, crops, resources, ...
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Bad Air Quality Leads to Infertility

Air pollution is among the causes of increased infertility and growing sterility rates in women and men across the world. You don't initially think that there is a correlation, but poor air quality may cause a reduced number of healthy egg cells in women and thus decrease fertility rates, also ...
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How Wildfire Smoke Affects Our Health

In the United States, we continue to see a significant increase in wildfires due to rising temperatures, a buildup of pine needles and other potential fuel, and urban growth into forest areas. In 2021, 8.619 wildfires burned almost 2.6 million acres in the United States. Not only were people ...
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